please, love yourself instead of loving the idea of other people loving you

Sweetest Ache
3 min readAug 3, 2024


Photos by Inga Seliverstova

We often want others to love us, thinking it will make us feel whole. But we forget about loving ourselves, which is really important. This journey to loving yourself is one of the most important trips you’ll ever take.

When we look for love from others, we’re like a mirror that only shows what’s around it. We feel happy or sad based on what others think of us. We change who we are to fit what others want. But what if we could find that love inside ourselves? We could be our own source of happiness and strength. Imagine how free you’d feel if you didn’t need others to tell you you’re good enough.

Loving yourself isn’t selfish. It’s necessary. It means knowing you’re good enough just as you are. Your worth doesn’t come from what others think, but from how you see yourself. It’s telling yourself, “You are great. You deserve love because you’re you.” This isn’t about being full of yourself. It’s about knowing you matter as a person.

When you really love yourself, something amazing happens. You take care of your own feelings like you would care for a close friend. You become kinder to yourself and more patient. The mean voice in your head that criticizes you starts to get quieter. Instead, you hear a kinder voice that cheers you on. You start to enjoy being alone. You feel good about who you are, including your good points and your flaws.

Think about when you look at the stars and feel small but also part of something big. In those moments, you are enough. You’re a special part of this big world. The love you’re looking for is already inside you.

So, let’s make a promise to ourselves. Let’s stop needing others to make us feel worthy. Let’s stop trying so hard to make everyone like us. Instead, let’s look inside ourselves. Find the love that’s already there, waiting for you to see it. When you do this, you’ll find peace that no one else can give you.

Remember, the best love story isn’t in movies or books. It’s the one you have with yourself. It’s about getting to know yourself, learning to enjoy your own company, and treating yourself with kindness. This love for yourself helps all your other relationships too. It lets you connect with people because you want to, not because you need them to make you feel good.

Love yourself instead of wanting others to love you. Appreciate your quirks, celebrate when you do well (even small things), and be gentle with yourself when things are hard. The love you give yourself will shine out to others. It will attract people who like you for who you really are, not for who you pretend to be. Learning to love yourself takes practice. Some days, it might be hard. Old habits of doubting yourself might come back. But each time you’re kind to yourself and each time you choose to value who you are, you’re building a stronger sense of peace and confidence.

You deserve love just because you exist. You’re a special, one-of-a-kind person. Believe this, let it sink in deep, and watch how it changes how you see yourself and the world around you. Remember, every day is a new chance to love yourself a little more. Start your day by looking in the mirror and saying something kind to yourself. Celebrate your small wins. Forgive yourself for your mistakes. Treat yourself with the same kindness you’d offer a friend.

As you grow in self-love, you’ll notice the world around you changing too. Colors might seem brighter, but challenges are less daunting. You’ll start attracting people and opportunities that match your newfound self-worth. Your journey to self-love is uniquely yours. It may have ups and downs, but each step forward is a victory. Be patient with yourself. Be brave. And most importantly, be you—wonderfully, authentically you.

You are worthy. You are enough. And the more you believe this, the more you’ll see it reflected in every aspect of your life. So go forth with confidence, embrace your true self, and let your inner light shine. The world is waiting for the gift that only you can give—the gift of being unapologetically, lovingly you.



Sweetest Ache
Sweetest Ache

Written by Sweetest Ache

Am I a writer or just randomly put my feelings into this platform? It feels like I loved to write something amid the noise of the world.

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