Shadow of a Woman

Sweetest Ache
2 min readJan 21, 2022



Tried to sleep, I couldn’t. There are dreams at my feet again, i look for strange things. Till a tiny voice addresses me from behind and I turn as it says “If you continue waiting, how will you know what you’re going to find?”

No one ever tells you what to do with the love that no longer has a home. Sparkling tears turn into dry. There are reflections that appear, maybe of a person you hold. My silent prayers disappear and lingered in the cold air on January. Wandering in a labyrinth, the answer was never relief. But falling down when we notice.

All these feelings are so strange, keeps dissappearing in sudden bursts of colours…

Could life have gone differently if I made the other choice?

I wish I didn’t relate so much to Haruki Murakami saying. “Sometimes I feel like a caretaker of a museum — a huge, empty museum where no one ever comes, and I’m watching over it for no one but myself.”

You was abandoned and vanished, hope there is someone in the dark. Carries you back to the light.

At the end of this, you imagined a magical January. Something that can wipe away your tears. Making you believe nothing can be provided other than yourself, and you turn into whiter shades of pale.



Sweetest Ache

Am I a writer or just randomly put my feelings into this platform? It feels like I loved to write something amid the noise of the world.